The SPEW Strikes Back…

Episode V

It seems the internet and its legions of spam are unhappy with my SPEW column. In the last four days alone I’ve gotten about 90 or so instances of spam. Unfortunately, none of those were even marginally legible or entertaining. It was all links to sites that probably don’t exist (like by users with names like MhoynfkqeeyuBmallpldsz.

Luckily, I did get some SPEW a few weeks ago from loyal spam-bot user WordPress Themes. If you’ll recall, this user is a college student apparently studying frozen novelty theology.

Looks like Mr Themes is a dedicated student and is taking summer classes on cutlery and/or produce themed vivisection’s:

“Genial brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.”

Right away we can tell this guy doesn’t wear boxers (your Admin’s preferred choice for covering his genials). Looks like he still hasn’t figured out how to spell “assignement” and that “alot” isn’t a word. Maybe that’s why he’s taking summer courses.

Oh, and I thank myself every day for the information I provide.

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